
Monday, January 6, 2014


Im getting a new prespective about immagination ! It startet last night , as I mentioned before I have flu and last night I got home late and I was so tired that without changing my clothes I lay on my coach and went to sleep then when I woke up today I saw many sms from my fiance that was considering me awake and was complaining why I dont answer herwaiting  . Now this wasnt that bad since she didnt see me and she supposed Im reading her msges worse than that was when I came to office with fever and my head was exploding from headachedizzyand my eyes was poping out hypnotized and I was sweting like hell hot and an employee saw me and said "Heybig grin ! You look good rock on! !!! " ... I think he whether didnt know what good is or he didnt know what look good means I don't know

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