
Sunday, March 9, 2014

weird clients 4 : OPOC (one proccess only client )

Yesterday I had a call from 3rd floor "My computer is too slow !" I went to chek it out . First this client told me his PC is slow I checked few softwares and it was quite fast then he said "No I ment printer is slow !" I said "OK (STUPID!!) lets check that ." Printer was working perfectly so I said :
- May I ask why did you said your pc and then your printer are slow ??
- That lady told me !
- What lady ?
- The lady from accountant software department .
- Did she check your PC as well ?
- NO .
- So she just told you its slow and you just accept it like that ?!
- Yes I told her my software is not working properly she said its your PC not our servers so I called you .
- OK dude as you see I checked your PC and its working perfectly fine so call her and tell her it wasnt my PC and I came from IT department and checked it myself and it was alright so next time you (IDIOT!!) want to say something like that first (GET YOUR ASS HERE !! AND) check my system first and then tell me something is wrong from here !!
- Sooooooo my PC is ok ???
- (YOU DONT SAY !) Yes it is .
- Then why she said it is not ???
- DId you heard what I said earlier ?!!
- OK dont get mad ... just wondering if its ok why she said its not ??
- Because she has no idea because she even didnt check it first !!!!!
- Allright allright ... ( in low voice ) but she said its not ok ...